Relationships are at the heart of our thinking and our approach at The Global Research Network on Parliaments and People (GRNPP). So we are enthusiastic about participating in coalitions for change with organisations and movements in Ethiopia and Myanmar that share our commitment towards creating more inclusive democracy.
Reducing Inequalities in Public Engagement in Myanmar
Reducing Inequalities in Public Engagement (RIPE) is a collaboration involving the Myanmar-based Enlightened Myanmar Research Foundation (EMReF), whose research and activities focus on issues of governance, politics, justice, and inclusion; SOAS-based Positive-Negatives, a not-for-profit education organisation which produces produce comics, animations and podcasts about contemporary social and humanitarian issues; and ourselves. The project is funded by an Arts and Humanities Research Council and Global Challenges Research Fund Follow-on Funding grant.
Promoting women scholars in Ethiopia
We are honoured to be partnering with Setaweet, a feminist organisation in Ethiopia which strives for, and encourages men as well as women to work towards, gender equality in the country. Our partnership activities include working with and supporting women scholars via our P4P Grant scheme; co-producing training workshops and events; identifying ways in which to support women scholars navigate a landscape that excludes them, their expertise, and their voices; and establishing a feminist journal.